Big Brute Industrial Vacuum

I say the same thing time again ... nothing beats  Big Brute.  Big Brute  dry can suck grain  18 meters straight up from an intake pit. The Wet & Dry Big Brute can suck sludge, muck, shit, golden syrup at a gal / sec. 

I've got about 250 Big Brutes out there now ...  No 1  machine in the grain sector. Applications include Engineering, CNC, Agregate, Sawmills and Paper manufacturers, a Pak N Save supermarket, a high altitude Testing track, and many more ... see website for video applications.

I met Michael Williams (the man who started Big Brute) just the once. We  took a drive around Auckland.  He arrived on a tour boat.  I have never met a man like Michael Williams before. He had a leadership manner that was inspiring.


Big Brute ... the best.

Phone Bruce 0276278239

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